Reflecting on My Summer Saxumship

Our Saxumship program gives interns and grad fellows the unique opportunity to learn about our agency, meet industry professionals, and dive deep into our everyday work. From client service to digital to project management, our internship and fellowship program allows for real, paid work experience and an opportunity to learn directly from our professionals. Don’t just take our word for it! Hear from a few of our recent interns and grad fellows:
Elise Holcomb, Summer 2022 intern:
My Saxum summer was one of the most influential, informative summers of my career.
Saxum was an opportunity that not only furthered my aspirations but also cared. This agency cares about what I care about – our future, our health, and our education. Even though I am states away, I shared Saxum’s values that made it impossible to pass up on being part of their team.
I was able to work from Georgia for the whole summer, and joined the tight-knit remote community. Even miles away and across several states, Saxum and its employees worked to ensure I felt welcomed and forged connections with fellow Saxumites. Between the extensive on-boarding, and scheduled third-gear time, I never met an unfriendly face. Both within my department and outside of it, I was encouraged to meet with people, ask questions, and participate in social and professional settings.
Saxum cares about my personal growth, too. Throughout the summer, I was given meaningful work that challenged me. My supervisors were attentive and constantly checked in to make sure I was getting the most out of my experience. I was encouraged to participate in planned learning sessions about all aspects of the agency and its departments.
I even had the chance to fly out to Oklahoma City for Saxum’s All-Staff event. All week long I got to take advantage of Saxum’s Oklahoma City office, and meet all my co-workers in person for a fun, growth-filled week.
It’s hard not to be Obsessed for Good after spending a summer with Saxum. It is so rare to find an agency that cares about its people and its impact. Saxum sets the standard for agencies, not just in Oklahoma, but across the country. This summer has changed my career for life.
Nathan Sims, Summer 2022 intern:
I’ve been glad to see lately that the trend/stereotype of interns serving as glorified errand runners is quickly dying. More and more companies are actually providing their interns and fellows with genuine opportunities to contribute to real projects and receive valuable experience. All of that being said, Saxum’s internship/fellowship is on a whole other level.
For my internship, I worked in the Paid Media department. To come in fresh out of school and immediately feel like an integral part of that team within a few weeks speaks to the strength of Saxum’s culture and its devotion to ensuring every employee is both providing and receiving value in their work. By week three, I was getting on-the-job training on how to use multiple advertising platforms, how to find/build target audiences, and how to report on campaign performance. By week four, I was empowered to own projects and take initiative on various tasks.
This may sound like my experience was a trial-by-fire, but to me, it showed that Saxum cared about me and wanted me to truly get something out of the few months I’d been there. I learned more in those few months than I did in 1 full year of college. I wouldn’t trade my Saxum internship experience for the world, and I highly encourage anyone and everyone to apply, even if they’re on the fence.
Alyson O’Shea, Summer/Fall 2022 grad fellow:
So far during my time at Saxum, I’ve enjoyed getting to learn more about the industry and diving headfirst into client work. From honing my writing skills to being empowered to take ownership of tasks to watching top-notch communication in action, I’ve seen the talent in work and teaching that Saxumites have to offer. Saxum has allowed me to learn from mentors and subject matter experts with a deep knowledge of their field. I have the opportunity to work closely with people who know the ins and outs of media relations, stakeholder engagement, strategic communication and more, and I’ve learned so much in a short time.
There is also a strong company culture at Saxum, and I felt welcomed and valued immediately. I am thankful for the opportunities Saxum has given me to learn and grow in my first work experience within the public relations industry, but I am equally grateful to work with such outstanding individuals.
Interested in applying for a Saxumship? Applications are open! Deadline to apply for spring 2023 is October 31.